Providing support and a united voice
for all spearfishers in the United Kingdom.
The British Spearfishing Association (B.S.A.) is a non-profit making organisation of strictly civil nature. The B.S.A. is the body which provides support and a united voice for all spearfishers in the United Kingdom.
The B.S.A. is not an organisation that promotes only competitive spearfishing, its primary focus is to facilitate the growth of spearfishing at a grass roots and club level as well as to protect the interests of our unique activity at a government level.
The B.S.A. is committed to promoting positive publicity for spearfishing and promoting environmental sustainability for future generations. The B.S.A. is your voice when it comes to your rights as a spearfisher in the United Kingdom and is concerned with administering all issues pertaining to the activity of spearfishing.
The B.S.A. is a member of the following organisations:
- B.U.S.A.
Aims and Objectives
- To support all forms of breath hold spearfishing.
- To lobby for spearfishing rights, anti pollution legislation, and conservation of fish species in a good and realistic manner.
- To participate and make representation for any Government agency policy making as well as the subsequent consultation processes which may affect, either directly or indirectly spearfishing in the UK.
- Improving the public’s image of spearfishing
- To discourage the catching or taking from the sea any undersized or restricted species.
- To report the taking of fish by illegal means.
- To encourage and develop the practice of spearfishing.
- Administering and managing the British national spearfishing records database.
- To decide annually on the British Championships for classes as agreed in a legal and sustainable way, ensuring all fish caught are not wasted and go to a good cause.
- To coach and develop a national squad to represent Great Britain in CMAS international events.
- To encourage clubs to recruit members and train them in safe spearfishing techniques and safe use of the sea.
- To have and maintain a code of conduct.

“Our primary focus is to facilitate the growth of spearfishing at a grass roots and club level.”