Tiered competition rules


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  • #3087

    There are multiple rules in the constitution that mean it’s not always clear which fish are worth which points. The value of some fish in points also has no relation to the scarcity or desirability, with a couple of specific exceptions.

    One possible option is a tiered system based on the perceived desirability and rareness of a fish. Here’s an example of how this might work, with the aim of considering desirability, sustainability, etc.

    Tier 1
    Most desirable and unusual catches. 5x base points and a limit of 5 per species.
    – Mackerel
    – Bream
    – Coalfish
    – Turbot
    – Brill
    – Cod
    – Gurnard
    – Red mullet

    Tier 2
    Desired, but more commonly caught fish. 2.5x base points and limit of 5 per species (or legal limit where relevant)
    – Bass
    – Pollock
    – Trigger
    – Plaice
    – Mullet
    – Flounder

    Tier 3
    Easiest to catch and/or least prized. Base points only and limit of 1 per species.
    – Wrasse
    – Dogfish
    – Huss
    – Skate

    Base points are 1000 point per species, plus 1000 per Kg. Maximum points per fish is 10000 (so one huge turbot doesn’t trump everything).

    For example
    1x bass at 1.5kg and 1x mackerel at 500g would be
    (2500×2.5) + (1500×5) = 6250 + 7500 = 13750.

    Obviously this is just a suggestion for points and tiers. We’d want to refine this considering other species and factors.

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by bdunford.
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